Monday 23 October 2017

Because Writing Is Part of Dakwah

"Because Writing Is Part of Dakwah"

I've recognized this quote just now.  (maybe I wrote this one years ago)
It's kind of embarassing since I'm not writing anymore. Phew.

But deep inside my heart, I want to do it but I just can't.
It is as if I'm not the right person to give something and my writing is not worth to be read.
I guess.

If you're coming here to read my kind of rubbish saying, then you can just read it and go.
But if you're here to fulfill something for your heart. Sorry, I don't think you're in the right place.

You know. I think about this lately.
 That I'm not being me.

Yes, we can say people change. And I change too.
And I recognized that I'm being someone who may be have a little bit positive side in her before.
But now, I don't think so. Because I got so many flaws in me, and my heart too.

Macam mana nak cakap eh?
That I'm not being me.
Maybe I can relate this with my past. I mean, "me" in my past.
Sebab aku rasa aku ni baik la sikit dulu, tapi as we got older, we tend to do more and more things not regarding to Allah's will. I admit it now. Well, I already passed my birthday one month ago.
And now I'm talking about old. Ya Allah. Betul la kot ye, aku ni dah tua haha.

Aku rasa aku ni baik sikit la sebelum ni.
Tapi sekarang ni makin banyak dosa, makin payah pulak nak beramal. Konflik diri sendiri kot.
Tapi aku takkan putus asa. Aku cuma berharap suatu hari nanti, semoga aku terus diberi hidayah untuk sentiasa berada dalam amal kebaikan. Paling kurang pun, jangan lah aku jadi jahat. Itu doa aku.

Nonsense kan? Aku pun tak tahu aku nak cakap apa sebenarnya.
Sebab dah lama tak tulis something kat sini so dia kind of macam dah habis ayat nak bagitahu apa.
Maybe sebab dah lama tak menulis, so semua tu banyak tersimpan dalam hati.
Sebenarnya, dalam fikiran ni tengah menari-nari idea tu, mencurah-curah la kononnya.
Tapi tangan ni tak tertulis, tak sampai ayat. Ecee bagi alasan.

So, sebelum aku nonsense lagi, better stop dulu.
Nanti bila tangan ni dah boleh terjoget-joget betul, then kita sambung balik okay?
Hopefully, this is not the the first and the last time for this year. Haha
Just recognized that this is my first post of the year. Yaaaa well done Hudaaaaa!

9.00 PM